Store, Organize, & Share Sewer CCTV Inspections From any Device Instantly with t4 Vault

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When you share sewer inspection files with t4 Vaulttm

  • You’re able to review inspections across all departments one day sooner.
  • You’re able to check inspection quality before contractors leave the job site.

  • You don’t sit around waiting for DVDs and thumb-drives to arrive via inter-office mail. 

Benefits of t4 Vaulttm

Learn More About t4 Vault

The Los Angeles Sanitation Districts improved their workflow with t4 Vaulttm

In October of 2017, the Los Angeles Sanitation Districts approached us with a request. They needed a better way to store and work with their CCTV inspections. They had a few requirements though. The solution had to work with their existing GIS and it had to be both easy to use and easy to share. A few months later we introduced them to T4 Vault.

T4 Vault has enabled the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County to reduce their in-house storage and provided their personnel and contractors with an easy way to inspect videos and retrieve data.

“t4 Vault allows the sanitation districts to store it’s sewer inspection videos on the cloud, and allows us to reduce our in-house storage, and also provides easy access for districts personnel as well as contractors to retrieve the data and inspect the videos.”

– Darrell Hatch

Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County

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Accesses your secure inspection data library. Stream CCTV videos on any device.

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